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Meet the Governors

About the Governors

The Governing Body at Ashley Junior School is made up of parent, staff and local community representatives. The full Governing Body meets once or twice a term, but there are also three committees, Resources Committee and Curriculum Standards and Pupil Welfare Committee, which also both meet at least termly.

All governors attend training in order to carry out their role and make regular visits to the school to offer support and advice.

The following documents will provide some information on the Governing Body of Ashley Junior School. This information is always being added to and updated, but if you can’t find what you are looking for you can contact the Clerk to the Governors via the main school email address –

You can find out who our governors are below and you can find out more about the role of Governors in the attachments below.

  • Instrument of Government (this is the legal document setting out the number and type of Governors the Governing Body should contain)

The documents on this page are in Adobe PDF format.
You will need a PDF reader on your computer to open this document. This comes as standard on most computers, but if you need to download it you can find it here (it’s free) –

Current Governing body

  • Miss Elizabeth Ward – Chair Full Governing Body/Partnership Governor/Curriculum & Resources Committee
  • Mrs Charlie Bartolomeo – Headteacher
  • Mrs Naomi Hutchins – Vice Chair/Co-opted Governor/Resources
  • Mrs Hannah Pounds – Deputy Head
  • Mrs Lizzie Alfano – Parent Governor/Resources
  • Mrs Hilary Beckingham – Parent Governor
  • Mrs Kelly Nelson-Kingman – Co-opted Governor/Resources
  • Mrs Cathy Pepin – Staff Governor
  • Mrs Val Twiss – Co-opted Governor/Curriculum
  • Mr Marcus Tubb – Parent Governor
  • Lianne Allen - Parent Governor
  • Nicki France - LA Clerk